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Visit by Dr. Joe Altepeter, DARPA

WH - 2 east (Comitium Meeting Room)

WH - 2 east

Comitium Meeting Room

    • 12:00 12:05
      Arrive Fermilab, Wilson Hall 5m
      Speakers: Lia Merminga (FNAL), Roger Snyder (Fermi Site Office)
    • 12:05 12:10
      Lab Overview and Quantum Capabilities 5m
      Speakers: Anna Grassellino (Fermilab), Arkadiy Klebaner (Fermilab), Bonnie Fleming (Fermilab), Lia Merminga (FNAL), Panagiotis Spentzouris (Fermilab)
    • 12:10 12:30
      The QBI Program 20m
      Speaker: Joe Altepeter (DARPA)
    • 12:30 14:00
      • 12:30
        Types of support Fermi excited/able to contribute 20m
      • 12:50
        Coordination with IQMP 10m
      • 13:00
        Alignment with Fermi's long-term strategy 10m
      • 13:10
        Workforce plan 15m
      • 13:25
        Proprietary data / NDAs 15m
      • 13:40
        Project Management 15m
    • 14:00 14:50
      Depart Wilson Hall for Tour 50m
    • 14:50 15:00
      Closeout with Roger Snyder, Lia Merminga and Anna Grassellino 10m