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The FERMI(FNAL) network authorization method will be removed on Tuesday, Feb 4th at 5PM CST. See news for more details.

v5.2.1 Release Coordination

    • 08:00 08:20
      Status of Patch Release 20m

      PR Reviews for daphne

      -> Roland to review, tags to follow


      => v5.2.2 patch release may be needed for daqconf shifter utils, other usability fixes

      -> Stoyan to tag timing repos (hsilibs may have further changes, could possibly go to develop)

      -> Kurt to look into daqsystemtest changes and tag

      -> drunc may have another tag, possibly for .2, to improve output

      -> Marco to tag ehn1-daqconfigs. Notes that changes should be approved by him or Wes, as there are other repos in play at the moment (as proposed at Configuration Workshop last week)


      Goal is to have tags completed over the next ~24h, RC build by the end of the week. RC will be deployed to NP02 for "live fire" testing as monitoring runs start.