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Indico will be unavailable on Wed., Dec 18th from 7 - 7:30am due to server maintenance.

TMS Studies Meeting

    • 1
      Module Orientation Update
      Speaker: Asa Nehm (JGU Mainz)
    • 2
      Energy Resolution Update
      Speaker: Jeffrey Kleykamp (University of Mississippi)
    • 3
      Speaker: Xiaoyan Huang

      Asa’s talk: module orientation, new geometry: hybrid, previously it was stereo.

      Endpoint  resolution, charge ID, angular resolution results are compared between the two geometries. There are really two questions, one is classification question: does the track end in TMS?(how well we know about it) And the resolution question: for those that end in the TMS how well is the resolution?

      Jeffrey’s talk: energy resolution comparison between reco and truth. The energy calculation formula needs to be refitted based on the comparison.