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Indico will be unavailable on Wed., Dec 18th from 7 - 7:30am due to server maintenance.

US CRP Factory weekly check-in

Fatma Boran (Cern), James Wilhelmi (Yale University), Jon Urheim (Indiana University), Karsten Heeger (Yale University), Mark Messier (Indiana University), Matthew Worcester, Tanaz Mohayai (Indiana University)


Karsten, Steve K., Tanaz, Jon, James, maybe others

Main discussion led by Karsten on need for better communication and documentation of progress and plans.   Suggestions to be followed up on:

  1. email list specific to US CRP factory discussions
  2. announce and archive information presented at these meetings by setting up indico pages for them.
  3. consider use of google doc to share information between Yale and IU
  4. consider how to best structure information flow with CERN and Grenoble.
  5. identify a liaison between CERN and US (in addition to/beyond Fatma's role in this regard)

Karsten also mentioned that Tyler Stokes is a new postdoc who will be starting at Yale soon, and will be contributing to the CRP factory effort there.

We also discussed the need to push the MOU between Fermilab and IU forward.  It was suggested that we contact Marco and Jolie to see how to best proceed.

minutes: JU

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 11:30 11:50
      Around the room news and updates... 20m
      Speakers: Christopher Macias (Yale University), Fatma Boran (Cern), James Wilhelmi (Yale University), Jon Urheim (Indiana University), Karsten Heeger (Yale University), Mark Messier (Indiana University), Matthew Worcester, Steve Kettell (BNL), Tanaz Mohayai (Indiana University)