Please read these instructions before posting any event on Fermilab Indico

Indico will be down for a brief server restart on Friday Jan 24th at 5PM CST. The downtime will be 15min at most.

FD simulation and reconstruction meeting

Dominic Brailsford (Lancaster University), Laura Paulucci (UFABC)
    • 1
      Refining secondary vertexing and 2D clustering in Pandora
      Speaker: Andrew Chappell (University of Warwick)
    • 2
      Wire-Cell Status and Plan for DUNE FD
      Speakers: HAIWANG YU (New Mexico State University), Haiwang Yu (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Haiwang Yu (BNL)
    • 3
      Low energy reconstruction with Pandora
      Speaker: Matthew Osbiston (University of Warwick)