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Shankha Banerjee - IMSc. Chennai - Precision Probes of New Physics: Untangling Theory Uncertainties Beyond the Standard Model - ZOOM


With no direct signs of physics beyond the Standard Model (SM), 

Effective Field Theories (EFTs) have become the frontier of new 

physics exploration. As the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) enters its 

High Luminosity era, precision measurements will take centre stage in 

unravelling hidden signals.


This talk will focus on high-energy correlated bosonic processes, 

showcasing how certain `blind spots' in new physics interpretations 

can be resolved using precision techniques. A critical challenge in 

EFT analyses is managing theoretical uncertainties—ranging from 

operator truncation errors to next-to-leading-order (NLO) QCD and 

electroweak effects. I will highlight the essential role of 

renormalisation group evolution (RGE) in refining SMEFT predictions.


Crucially, I will demonstrate why NLO electroweak corrections in 

background processes are indispensable for robust SMEFT parameter 

constraints. Using W^+W^- production as a case study, I will show how 

precision calculations reshape our sensitivity to new physics. As the 

LHC pushes the boundaries of energy and luminosity, mastering these 

uncertainties will be key to unlocking the next frontier of particle 


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