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Indico will be unavailable on Monday Feb 17th from 4:30-5PM CST due to server maintenance.

DUNE UK Computing Meeting


Andrew McNab (University of Manchester)

This is an informal meeting for DUNE members in the UK who are involved in the Computing Consortium. There will be a brief summary of the status and a round table by site so we can outline what is happening. We will be using Zoom for the meeting. The URL is and the password is the same as the DUNE-wide computing meetings. To avoid any timezone confusion: the meeting is 11:00am to 12:00noon UK time.

    • 11:00 11:10
      Introduction 10m
      Speaker: Andrew McNab (University of Manchester)
    • 11:10 11:50
      Round table 40m

      Brief summaries of DUNE Computing activities at each UK site

    • 11:50 11:55
      Compute and storage usage monitoring 5m
      Speakers: Raja Nandakumar (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Wenlong Yuan (University of Edinburgh)
    • 11:55 12:00
      Any Other Business 5m