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Timing System Meeting


Topic: Timing System Meeting
Time: Sep 26, 2024 03:00 PM London

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    • 15:00 15:15
      Pre-production hardware/PRR preparation 15m

      DUNE AFC v4 status

      MIB v3 status

      FIB v2 status

      GIB v2 status

      Documentation status

      Speakers: David Cussans (University of Bristol), Stoyan Trilov, Sudarshan Paramesvaran

      AFC status:

      Pre-production boards delayed, discussions on-going regarding production boards 

      MIB v3 status:

      expected shipping on 24/01

      new action: DC and ST to check current

      6th Feb:

      not dead yet, couple of issues (assembly time issue, DC fixed; wrong resistor value which can be fixed easily)

      powers up, FPGA module powers up and visible via JTAG 

      MMC: programmed to microcontroller, plugged into crate, seen by crate and has power. Issue: handle not working, probably hardware issue as looks like always on irrespective of handle being pushed in/out. ST to check if microcontroller can see it going on/off. ST noticed difference to previous crate, having to power cycle after plugging in to crate, he will investigate.


      Check pads from shockley diode to microcontroller, measure voltage on management power when plugged in, program MMC to check if it thinks front panel handle is being pulled in/out. 

      Need to specify more carefully the edge finish of pcbs otherwise need to file them... 

      Fix resistor values

      FIB v2 status:

      DA to test FIBs once DTS HSI op-mon work complete - outstanding

      6th Feb:

      Replaced existing FIB with one of the two new ones, programmed using bitfile fanout figuring out why I can't check status...


      probably need to program the PROM 

      GIB v2 status:

      GIB due by end of January   mid-feb...

      DC and KC working on case for GIB

      moved from end of April - moved to mid/end May (waiting for GIB to decide)


      still due... 2nd half of february

      still time to include the new ones so but may need Magnus to modify old ones to look like new ones if not... 

      MIB tongue2 v2

      DGC waiting on PH to respond


      proposed document list and assigned authors:

      • Electrical review followed by Electrical safety doc : DGC has made a start
      • Design files : DGC
      • QA/QC plans : SP
      • Installation : to be removed, if current charge is accepted
      • Production/procurement doc : DGC
      • Intro and test doc : SP/DA to organise meeting to discuss this


      tentative dates: Easter break begins on 18/04, aim for documentation be ready by then. implies testing finished by end of March, implies test plan available by of end of February

      • GIB 5m
      • MIB 5m
      • MIB tongue 2 v3 20m
      • FIB 5m
      • DUNE AFC v4 20m
      • Phase measurement firmware 5m

        6th Feb:


        on-hold till new MIB works as well as old one

      • Software 5m
      • Documentation 5m

        DA (testing): Have draft ready for Sudan to look at by mid-week of 17th. 

        DC (fibres): Presentation for timing fibres to be done in front of Bonnie etc

        Action: check how to ensure Yates gets fibre, check if space for combiner/splitter and figure out who to speak to about this, ensure same type of cable for PRR (100m MTP 12), where to place WR (next to our crate?)...

        Also, figure out how to cope with Charon in DAQ mezzanine, next to WR grandmaster having 100m less fibre than all endpoints on cryostat 

    • 15:15 15:25
      Timestamp initialisation 10m
      Speakers: David Cussans (University of Bristol), Stoyan Trilov

      Discussion around epoch for DTS timestamp


      This will be revisited after finalising work on GIB - ST suggests do whatever WR does using vanilla conversion routines 

    • 15:25 15:35
      DUNE DAQ v5.2.0 10m

      DTS HSI in v5.x.x
      - OKS
      - Op mon

      timing-drunc integration
      - custom FSM
      - timing commands with arguments

      Gaia high level support

      Speakers: Diana Antic (University of Bristol), Stoyan Trilov

      DA in final stages of testing DTS HSI op-mon, due to finish 24/01 - done

      C++ side done

      On hold:

      Fix some HSI controller command to get that side working for op-mon

      Then get to work on setting up dashboard in grafana (speak to Marco)

      do research into grafana  

    • 15:35 15:45
      Nexys Video Ethernet 10m
      Speakers: Jean-Pierre Martin (Universite de Montreal (CA)), Jean-Pierre Martin (Universite de Montreal (CA))

      Nexys being shipped to JPM, ZCU102 being purchased locally

      Arrived at JP - check that ethernet link is unreliable, be able to rebuild bitfile and check whether the problem it's timing constraints - if done quickly, we can get onto buying/borrowing lots of Nexys video boards 

    • 15:50 15:55
      Operations support 5m




      Shipping Timing Unit to CRP factories

      Speakers: David Cussans (University of Bristol), Dennis Lindebaum (University of Bristol), Diana Antic (University of Bristol), Stoyan Trilov


      DA and DL brought up DTS infrastructure after power-cut


      integration with TDE outstanding planned for Match 

      firmware and software outstanding 

      add specific item to agenda


      Future of ICEBERG is uncertain put away... 

      Feb 6th:

      Roger Huang: debugging reports problems with middle WIB in crate - it's not responding to turn laser on nor measure round trip delay. Not timing problem yet unless make lots of APAs

      CRP integration: grenoble CRT needs WR-Len which we will look for, Fermilab CRT needs 2 Charon modules, one of which will be recovered from NP04 CRT and other one we've already lent him. We have 2 FMCs from Nicolo T. so, ACTION: find enclustras for them st we have 2 more units... if Nexys issues don't get resolved. 

      TDE working, bottom DE working (?), Nuno will be dragging a fibre 





    • 15:55 16:00
      Round table 5m

      DC: 1/2 documents 

      DA: FIB testing, document draft

      DC/ST: chat to summer students