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Liquid Argon Simulations/LBNE Reco

WH 4NW "Req. Room"

WH 4NW "Req. Room"

Brian Rebel (Fermilab), Eric Church (Yale), Matthew Szydagis (UC Davis), Michael Kirby (FNAL), Stan Seibert (University of Pennsylvania), Thomas Junk (Fermilab)
ReadyTalk: 1-866-740-1260
Meeting ID: 3872183
Minutes of the May 22, 2013 Liquid Argon Simulations/LBNE reco meeting Present: Tom Junk, Alan Hahn, Michelle Stancari, Mike Kirby, Brian Rebel, Eric Church, Herb Greenlee, Tyler Alion, Jonathan Insler, Jim Stewart, Brett Viren, Maxim Potekhin, Stan Seibert Apologies to those omitted. J. Insler, T. Alion, all: Work is proceeding to address the two issues facing LBNE running existing reconstruction algorithms -- computer time and memory efficiency, and hit ambiguities. The simulation is efficient enough to generate enough events to get us practice with reconstruction. But there are some inefficient steps in reconstruction that we have to make better. Currently, the standard reconstruction steps are to unpack the data (unzerosuppress it) and run the appropriate module in CalData (e.g. which deconvolutes the electronics response, the field response, and applies the signal filter function, for all wires in the detector, and produces recob::Wire objects. Then a hit finder is called, with the recommendation being GausHitFinder. Subsequent reconstruction finds clusters and tracks, but we need to work out the kinks in this step. A problem with running the standard steps is that ART calls ROOT output streamer functions (though the output file does not grow in size) which take at least 30 minutes of time writing out recob::Wire objects. One can put recob::Wire on the output droplist and speed this up. ROOT has some nonlinear inefficiencies writing many objects to a single output file that are not in a TTree. As it is, the recob::Wire objects are in a TTree, but all 300K+ of them are in the same branch of the same event. The output streamer function in ROOT spends a lot of time allocating and deallocating memory. A solution may be to use TClonesArray objects, but ART objects do not inherit from TObject. We may want to talk to the Artists about how to deal with this. Nonetheless, we probably only rarely want to save all the recob::Wire objects anyhow, as for the 10 kT detector, that's 2 Gbytes per event (at least, not counting pre and post-spill data). Indeed, in order to fit into our batch worker memory limit, we may not even want to store recob::Wire objects in memory, even if we're not writing them out. A job running CalData on 10 kT takes about 7 Gbytes of virtual memory on an interactive node, and batch workers are limited to 4 Gbytes. A solution to this is to make the hit finder into an algorithm that can be called from a module that works on the event one wire at a time and discards the intermediate deconvoluted digits, and even the unpacked digits. recob::Hit has a pointer to the raw digits so we don't need to keep intermediate results. If we're pressed later on we can always recompute the deconvoluted data, though saving it may be cumbersome. Tyler has started going down this path with his AmbigHits made by a module called APAHitFinder. This method currently carries a copy of the GausHitFinder code that actually finds the hits. We'd like to call the official version, but that would require the official version not to have a loop over the recob::Wire objects but to take one wire's worth of data at a time. To negotiate with Jonathan Asaadi. Tyler's APAHitFinder is set up to make a list of ambiguous hits and call an algorithm to disambiguate them. He has a simple starting-point algorithm that uses the arrival time of the hit to associate collection and induction hits together. More sophisticated pattern recognition can be included, though the structure is there. Jonathan Insler will work on a version of CalWire that doesn't unpack the zero-suppressed data, but instead deconvolutes the small chunks of the nonzero data which are sparsely distributed throughout the TPC's. This may save CPU and memory as deconvoluting long strings of zeros (or almost zeros) is most of what takes the time in CalData. The question arises of what repository to put this in. Currently LArSoft has some experiment-specific code dealing with geometry and electronics response. Refactoring the hit-finding so as not to constantly allocate and deallocate memory and store lots of intermediate results could have CPU and storage benefits for all experiments, so this may be good for everyone. Tom will talk with Rick Snider about setting up an LBNE-specific repository. We'll need setup scripts, nightly builds, and a (set of) responsible maintainer(s). A redmine site, lbne-software has been set up by Brett, as a grandchild of the LBNE redmine site Brett has set up build scripts to build LArSoft which work on RACF at BNL. It works on Scientific Linux, and Brett is working on Ubuntu, gauged to be another popular distribution on LBNE. The scripot is called beanie, and can be found in the lbne-software repository under "build" ART wouldn't build in a 32 bit environment; it needed 64 bits.
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 13:00 13:20
      LBNE CalWire/Hit Reco 20m
      Speaker: Jonathan Insler (Louisiana State University)
    • 13:20 13:40
      Hit Disambiguation 20m
      Speaker: Dr Jae Kim (University of South Carolina)