Tier 3 Science Data/Network requirements workshop - TN (SouthEast region)

Hill Center - Conference Room 238 (Vanderbilt University)

Hill Center - Conference Room 238

Vanderbilt University

Nashville, TN
Richard Carlson (Internet2)
This is the fifth in a series of 1 day workshops to develop a common understanding of how university-based physicists will obtain and use LHC data. This workshop will bring together the university-based physicists and the Campus/Regional/Connector/National network providers to develop a common understanding of what is required to meet the science needs. All LHC-related scientists and support staff for whom this conference is convenient in the surrounding area are invited.
Internet2 - Advanced tools page
Internet2 - Knoppix LiveCD NPToolkit ISO
LBNL - Host Tuning Guide
PSC - Host Tuning Guide
    • 08:30 08:45
      Welcome 15m
    • 08:45 09:40
      Background on LHC Computing and Networking 55m
      A brief introduction to the ATLAS and CMS computing models.
      • LHC computing models 10m
        A brief introduction to LHC computing models.
        Speaker: Mr Rich Carlson (Internet2)
      • ATLAS computing model 20m
        A brief introduction to the US-ATLAS computing model
        Speaker: Dr Shawn McKee (Univ. of Michigan)
      • CMS computing model 20m
        A brief description of the US-CMS computing model.
        Speaker: Matt Crawford (Fermilab)
    • 09:45 10:00
      break 15m
    • 10:00 11:00
      Overview of compute resources and usage plans 1h
      Attendees will hear from physicists representating the LHC ALICE, ATLAS, and CMS experiments. Presentors will discuss thir institutional , regional, and local computational resources, data storage, and processing facilities. They will also discuss their usage plans for LHC-related Monte Carlo and detector data.
      Speaker: Dr Daniel Engh (Vanderbilt)
    • 11:00 12:00
      Overview of network infrastructures 1h
      Network operators will give a brief descripton of the facilities and services each infrastructure makes available for the transmission and receiption of LHC data.
      • Campus Infrastructure Issues 20m
        A brief description of the issues facing campus network operators.
      • State/Regional Infrastructure Issues 20m
        A brief description of the issues facing state/regional network operators.
        Speaker: Dave Pokorney (Florida LambdaRail, LLC)
      • National Infrastructure issues 20m
        A brief description of the issues facing national network operators.
        Speaker: Mr Joe Metzger (ESnet)
    • 12:00 13:00
      Lunch 1h
    • 13:00 14:00
      Technology updates 1h
      A brief overview of new/emerging technologies that can be used by the LHC experimenters.
      • TeraPaths - Network Path configuration tool 20m
        The TeraPaths project is developing tools and procedures that will allow scientists to request end-to-end virtual network paths between LHC sites.
        Speaker: Dr Dimitrios Katramatos (BNL)
      • UltraLight - a new science network 20m
        The UltraLight project is exploring new network technologies with a focus on high-end science.
        Speaker: Richard Cavanaugh (HENP - LHC)
      • Advanced Diagnostic and tuning tools 20m
        New tools and documentation can help scientists and support staff quickly find and fix poor performance problems.
        Speaker: Mr Rich Carlson (Internet2)
    • 14:00 15:00
      Regional and local grid projects 1h
      A brief discussion of grid projects and the services/resources these projects can provide to the LHC experimenters
      Speaker: Burt Holzman (FNAL)
    • 15:00 15:15
      break 15m
    • 15:15 16:15
      Science/Technology match 1h
      Guide discussion on using network services.
    • 16:15 17:00
      Roadmap 45m
      A guided discussion to idenitfy the next steps, required services, and missing pieces.