Jul 25 – 26, 2013
US/Central timezone
LIVE WEB CAST STREAMING AVAILABLE: http://www-visualmedia.fnal.gov/live.htm

The European Strategy process has recently recommended that Europe be in a position to propose an ambitious post-LHC accelerator project by the time of the next Strategy update (2017-2018). The strategy document adopted by the CERN Council on 22 March 2013 has confirmed the recommendation:  CERN is highly encouraged to undertake design studies for accelerator projects with emphasis on e+e- and pp high-energy frontier machines.

In particular, studies of e+e- and pp colliders in a new 80-100 km tunnel are explicitly mentioned in the deliberation document, clarifying further the strategy statements. After preliminary studies showing its potential, and as suggested by the recent ICFA Beam Dynamics Workshop on Higgs factories, we would therefore like to propose to carry out the design study of a high-energy, high-luminosity e+e- circular collider operating in the energy range up to 350-400 GeV, called TLEP. The new tunnel needed for this machine would later host a 80-100 TeV hadron collider (VHE-LHC), as part of a possible long-term vision for high-energy physics, in the context of a global project.

The design study would include phenomenological, experimental, and accelerator studies for TLEP, towards the delivery of a conceptual design report (including a yellow report on physics) by the end of 2014 or beginning of 2015, and a more detailed technical design report by 2017 or 2018. The draft design study proposal can be found at http://tlep.web.cern.ch/sites/tlep.web.cern.ch/files/Draft-design-study-proposal-current.pdf for your perusal. 

TLEP and the future VHE-LHC will be and must be truly global projects, employing the skills, expertise and imagination of physicists and engineers from all around the world.  The community at Fermilab and in the USA is especially invited to join this effort in its early stages by attending this workshop.

The goal of this workshop is to kick off the design studies for such a machine.  The workshop is meant to bring accelerator experts, theorists and experimentalists, together to present and discuss all the aspects needed to prepare a design report.

Live Video Streaming: http://www-visualmedia.fnal.gov/live.htm
Wilson Hall - One West
Batavia, IL 60510 USA
A $32 registration fee will be charged to all participants.  This fee will be used to cover coffee breaks, supplies, publicity, and administrative costs of organizing the meeting. Sponsored in part by: TLEP_Sponsor_Logo