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Nov 21 – 22, 2013
US/Central timezone


Neutrino Interaction Physics

Nov 22, 2013, 9:00 AM
Racetrack - WH7X (Fermilab)

Racetrack - WH7X


Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Prof. Flavio Cavanna (Yale University)
11/22/13, 9:00 AM
Jorge G. Morfin (Fermilab)
11/22/13, 9:25 AM
Mitchell Yu (York University)
11/22/13, 9:50 AM
11/22/13, 10:15 AM
Dr Etam Noah Messomo (University of Geneva)
11/22/13, 10:35 AM
Edward Santos (Imperial College)
11/22/13, 11:00 AM
11/22/13, 11:30 AM
Building timetable...