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Physics opportunities with higher energy proton colliders (100 TeV, SM and Higgs)

Aug 26, 2014, 9:00 AM
WH One West (FNAL)

WH One West


Hosted by LHC Physics Center (LPC) at FNAL


Physics opportunities with higher energy proton colliders (100 TeV, SM and Higgs)

  • Raymond Brock (Michigan State University)
  • Michelangelo Mangano (CERN)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Prof. Joey Huston (Michigan State University)
8/26/14, 9:00 AM
Ahmed Ismail (ANL/UIC)
8/26/14, 9:25 AM
Brock Tweedie (University of Pittsburgh)
8/26/14, 9:50 AM
Ian Low (Argonne National Laboratory)
8/26/14, 11:00 AM
Dr Chien-Yi Chen (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
8/26/14, 11:25 AM
Prof. Ashutosh Kotwal (Duke University)
8/26/14, 11:50 AM
Dr John Stupak (Purdue University Calumet)
8/26/14, 12:10 PM
Dr David Curtin (C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics, Stony Brook)
8/26/14, 12:35 PM
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