20–23 May 2014
US/Central timezone

Modified Moliere’s Screening Parameter and its Impact on Calculation of Radiation Damage

21 May 2014, 14:10
Wilson Hall - Ramsey Auditorium

Wilson Hall - Ramsey Auditorium

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory<BR>P. O Box 500<BR>Batavia, IL 60510-5011
Contributed Focus Session Oral Presentation Target Facility Simulation Challenges Focus Session 3: Target Facility Simulation Challenges


Dr Sergei Striganov (Fermilab)


The Moliere approximation of elastic Coulomb scattering cross sections plays an important role in accurate description of non-ionization energy, DPA radiation damage etc. The cross section depends only on a single parameter that describes the atomic screening. Moliere calculated the screening angle for the Tomas-Fermi distribution of electrons in atoms. In this report, the screening parameter was recalculated using a more accurate atomic form-factor obtained from the self-consistent Dirac-Hartree-Fock-Slater computations. For relativistic particles, the new screening angle can differ from the Moliere approximation by up to 50%. At the same time it is rather close to other independent calculations. A simple parameterization of the updated atomic screening parameters is proposed. DPA and non-ionization energy-loss calculated using the Hartree-Fock atomic form-factor is compared against results based on the other atomic screening models. The sensitivity of radiation damage calculation on parameters of the Coulomb elastic scattering cross section is discussed.

Primary author

Dr Sergei Striganov (Fermilab)

Presentation materials