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1–7 Jun 2014
Boston University
US/Eastern timezone

Prediction of Leptonic CP Violation

Not scheduled
Metcalf Auditorium (Boston University)

Metcalf Auditorium

Boston University

George Sherman Union 775 Commonwealth Ave. Boston, MA 02215
Board: 112
Poster Theory / Phenomenology


Prof. Sin Kyu Kang (Seoul National University of Science and Technology)


We propose a possibility to predict the (Dirac-type) CP phase in terms of two or three neutrino mixing angles in case that the neutrinos are Majorana particles. This can be achieved by the relations, expressed in terms of neutrino mixing angles and the CP phase in the standard parametrization. And the expressions are derived from the equivalence between the standard parametrization of the neutrino mixing matrix and modified tribimaximal or bimaximal mixing matrices with appropriate CP phases. Carrying out numerical analysis based on the current experimental results for neutrino mixing angles, we can predict the values of the (Dirac-type) CP phase for several possible cases.

Primary author

Prof. Sin Kyu Kang (Seoul National University of Science and Technology)

Presentation materials

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