Adam Aurisano
(University of Cincinnati)Mr
Navaneeth Poonthottathil Poonthottathil
The MINOS+ experiment operates the MINOS detector in the recently upgraded NuMI muon neutrino beam. The increased beam intensity and energy will enable the MINOS+ experiment to collect high statistics in the 4–10GeV energy range, which is particularly useful for new physics searches. We present the prospects for a search for sterile neutrinos with mass splittings in the range from ~10-2eV^2 to ~10eV^2 using beam in both the muon neutrino mode and the anti-neutrino enhance mode. In addition, we present the MINOS+ sensitivity combined with that of the disappearance reactor experiment Bugey. This combined sensitivity will be compared to the LSND and MiniBooNE appearance signal.
Primary authors
Adam Aurisano
(University of Cincinnati)
Navaneeth Poonthottathil Poonthottathil