Joseph O'Connor
(University College London)Ms
Michelle Mesquita de Medeiros
(Federal University of Goias)
MINOS+, a continuation of the MINOS experiment using a higher energy and more intense neutrino beam provided by the upgraded NuMI facility at Fermilab, started taking data in the fall of 2013. This poster presents the first results on oscillations from MINOS+. We report a measurement of neutrino and antineutrino oscillation parameters using the complete, nine year, data set taken by MINOS and the first 8 months of data from MINOS+. For this measurement, we combine three kinds of data samples: disappearance of numu and appearance of nue from the numu beam, and atmospheric (anti)neutrinos recorded in the Far Detector.
Primary authors
Joseph O'Connor
(University College London)
Michelle Mesquita de Medeiros
(Federal University of Goias)