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1–7 Jun 2014
Boston University
US/Eastern timezone

Status of SBL Experiment

Not scheduled
Metcalf Auditorium (Boston University)

Metcalf Auditorium

Boston University

George Sherman Union 775 Commonwealth Ave. Boston, MA 02215
Board: 61
Poster Short Baseline Oscillations / Sterile Neutrinos / Non-standard Oscillations


Mr Jinyu Kim (IBS, Sejong University)


SBL is a Short-BaseLine reactor neutrino experiment for searching sterile neutrinos, which will be performed using research reactor HANARO in Daejeon, Korea. HANARO has 30MW thermal power and detector will be placed at the distance of about 6m away from reactor. Currently prototype detector which has 50L of Gd-loaded LS as target is constructed and tested in several places with different overburden to understand background caused by cosmic muon and neutron. We compare background data from prototype detector and monte carlo simulation, and we make an effort to reduce background for main detector.

Primary author

Mr Jinyu Kim (IBS, Sejong University)


Mr Baro KIM (Chonnam National University) Dr Eun-ju JEON (Institute for Basic Science) Dr Gwang-Min SUN (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) Prof. Hongjoo KIM (Kyungpook National University) Dr Hyangkyu PARK (Institute for Basic Science) Mr Insung YEO (Chonnam National University) Dr Jaison LEE (Institute for Basic Science) Dr Jeong-yeon LEE (Institute for Basic Science) Mr Jooyoung LEE (Kyungpook National University) Dr Kang-soon PARK (Institute for Basic Science) Dr Kyungju MA (Sejong University) Prof. Kyungkwang JOO (Chonnam National University) Prof. Siyeon KIM (Chung-Ang University) Ms Sookhyung Song (Department of Physics, Chonnam National University, Korea) Ms Sun-heang SO (Chonnam National University) Prof. Yeongduk Kim (Institute for Basic Science, Sejong University) Mr Youngju KO (Chung-Ang University)

Presentation materials