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1–7 Jun 2014
Boston University
US/Eastern timezone

Towards Measuring the NuMu Charged Current Quasielastic Cross Section on Water using T2K’s Near Detector

Not scheduled
Metcalf Auditorium (Boston University)

Metcalf Auditorium

Boston University

George Sherman Union 775 Commonwealth Ave. Boston, MA 02215
Board: 30
Poster Neutrino Interactions


Mr Tianlu Yuan (University of Colorado, Boulder)


A measurement of the numu charged current quasielastic cross section on water would provide additional constraints for T2K’s oscillation analysis and serve to guide future neutrino-­nuclear interaction models. We present a selection of numu charged current events using the Pi‐Zero Detector (P0D) and the Tracker of T2K's near detector. An analysis that includes Data/MC comparisons and several systematic uncertainties has been completed. In addition, by separating the data sets into time periods when the P0D is filled with water and when it is empty, we propose a subtraction method that can provide an isolated sample of numu interactions on water only. In this way, we plan to provide a measurement of the numu CCQE cross section on water.

Primary author

Mr Tianlu Yuan (University of Colorado, Boulder)


Mr Alex Clifton (Colorado State University) Mrs Alysia Marino (University of Colorado, Boulder) Mr Erez Reinherz-Aronis (Colorado State University) Mr Jeremy Lopez (University of Colorado, Boulder) Mr Raj Das (Colorado State University) Mr Rob Johnson (University of Colorado, Boulder (past)) Mr Walter Toki (Colorado State University)

Presentation materials