Michael Baird
(Indiana University)
The NOvA experiment is a long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment based out of Fermilab that uses the newly upgraded NuMI beam line and two functionally identical detectors to measure the neutrino rates at a near location, and 810 km away at a far location. The detector at the far location has a target mass of 14 kton and is composed of 344,064 cells filled with liquid scintillator each of which is 4 cm x 6 cm x 15 m, which presents a solution to the problem of achieving high granularity with a large target mass. This poster will present the algorithms used to identify particle tracks and showers, locate interaction vertices, and assign particle types and momenta to the final-state particles resulting from neutrino interactions in the detector. The poster will also present performance metrics based on simulations and examples drawn from NuMI neutrino beam events.
Primary author
Michael Baird
(Indiana University)