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1–7 Jun 2014
Boston University
US/Eastern timezone

Searching for Sterile Neutrinos with MINOS

Not scheduled
Metcalf Auditorium (Boston University)

Metcalf Auditorium

Boston University

George Sherman Union 775 Commonwealth Ave. Boston, MA 02215
Board: 55
Poster Short Baseline Oscillations / Sterile Neutrinos / Non-standard Oscillations


Mr Ashley Timmons (University of Manchester)


MINOS is a two-detector on-axis experiment based at Fermilab. The NuMI neutrino beam encounters the MINOS Near Detector 1 km downstream before travelling 734 km through the Earth's crust, to reach the Far Detector located at the Soudan Underground Laboratory in Northern Minnesota. By searching for oscillations driven by a large mass splitting, MINOS is sensitive to the existence of sterile neutrinos. This poster will present results of a search for sterile neutrinos that is sensitive to the parameter space suggested by LSND and MiniBooNE. Both charged current muon neutrino and neutral current neutrino interactions are analysed in a 3+1 model. This MINOS search for disappearance complements other previous experimental searches for sterile neutrinos in the muon neutrino to electron neutrino appearance channel

Primary author

Mr Ashley Timmons (University of Manchester)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.