Ke Han
The CUORE (Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events)
experiment will search for neutrinoless double beta decay of Te-130.
CUORE large-mass bolometer array will consist of 988 tellurium oxide
bolometer modules and a total of 206 kg of Te-130 in one single
cryostat at 10 mK. With the relatively low bandwidth of the bolometer
signals, we sample at 125 to 1000 S/s. In addition to the triggered
data, we can afford to store continuously sampled data. In this
poster, we present the novel physics analysis algorithms implemented
with the continuously sampled data stream, and discuss their
advantages and challenges. Another crucial aspect of future CUORE data
taking is automated monitoring of the performance of 988 modules in
real time. We have developed a set of browser-based data monitoring
tools for this purpose, which will be presented here as well.
Primary author
Ke Han