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Indico will be unavailable on Wed., Dec 18th from 7 - 7:30am due to server maintenance.

1–7 Jun 2014
Boston University
US/Eastern timezone

Muon Monitors for the Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment

Not scheduled
Metcalf Auditorium (Boston University)

Metcalf Auditorium

Boston University

George Sherman Union 775 Commonwealth Ave. Boston, MA 02215
Board: 25
Poster Long Baseline Oscillations


Dr Alysia Marino (University of Colorado)


The proposed Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment (LBNE) will use a new neutrino beamline at Fermilab to send an intense beam composed primarily of muon neutrinos (antineutrinos),while focusing positive (negative) mesons into the decay region, to a massive detector in South Dakota. A suite of muon detectors is being proposed to characterize the flux of muons that exit the decay tunnel. These measurements are designed to provide data on the pulse-to-pulse variation of the beam to monitor beam and to constrain the neutrino flux at the near and far detectors. The current designs for ionization detectors, stopped muon detectors, and a threshold gas Cherenkov detector will be presented. Prototypes of some of these designs have been deployed in the muon alcoves of the NuMI beamline at Fermilab and preliminary results from these devices will be shown.

Primary author

Dr Alysia Marino (University of Colorado)


Prof. Charles Lane (Drexel University) Dr Eric Zimmerman (University of Colorado Boulder) Dr Geoffrey Mills (LANL) Mr Jan Boissevain (LANL)

Presentation materials