Technology - Need a plan to phase out GRAM and transition to HTConder-CE - AC discussion on May 28. - Can OSG Ops run multiple OASIS repos ? - Common input data - keep list of communities that need the feature: how much cache reuse can the jobs obtain? This is the topic of a Blue Print meeting. Security - OSG OIM as IdP? BluePrint meeting? - Prepare plan to possibly migrate away from DigiCert (and define major milestones and dates) Software - Limit contributions to EPEL - Look into a plan to retire GUMS from sites with simple needs - Look at stakeholder benefit by classifying each major work item as for: 1) sites; 2) big VOs; 3) Campus researchers -- is the resulting distribution good? Release management - Need metrics to help us understand the value and improvements over time provided by the Release process Campus Grid - continue integrating sites through ssh, rather than CE. Need OSG metadata to show these resources (in OIM?) - develop tools to show all user's accounting data Networking - develop a plan for the data store – a priority - submit grant proposals Communication - Define what we want our website to do for us - Rob: talk to Clemmie to help reorganize the web site. Do we need professional help working with an internal person? - Rob G. to come up with ideas working with assignee. Operations - Rob G. and Rob Q. to talk about user and project registration for Connect through OSG ops - Rob Q.: check privacy of information like log files in tickets User Support - Rob G. / Chander: agree on and document policy for directing new users / communities - Keep track of users for all in-feeding opportunistic sources (not just vo=osg) - Grow opportunistic availability for not only OSG VO, but also from GLOW, HCC, etc. Project Management - Think of metrics useful for the review - Develop draft of high-level goals and circulate - Refine workplans - Do we separate osg staff retreat in 2 meetings: (1) taking stock; (2) vision?