Fermilab is hosting the first RaDIATE collaboration meeting to provide a chance for participating institutions to come together and discuss their work in progress and strategy for future work.
The main objective of the Radiation R&D program is to further understanding of materials’ response to high energy proton irradiation for particle production targets and beam windows associated with future high intensity accelerator projects. Current participating institutions include FNAL, BNL, PNNL, STFC, and the University of Oxford. D amage In Acceler ator Target Environment
The main objective of the Radiation R&D program is to further understanding of materials’ response to high energy proton irradiation for particle production targets and beam windows associated with future high intensity accelerator projects. Current participating institutions include FNAL, BNL, PNNL, STFC, and the University of Oxford. D amage In Acceler ator Target Environment