Open Science Grid Site Administrators Technical Meeting

Fermilab, Batavia, IL 60510

Fermilab, Batavia, IL 60510

Alain Roy (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Goals of the Open Science Grid Site Administrators Meeting
  • Figure out how to make OSG sites even better
  • Begin to build a community among the OSG sites
  • Share technical expertise
  • Have two-way discussions to hear concerns and share solutions

We will strive to have plenty of time built in to have discussions, not just talks. This is essential. Please come prepared to participate in the discussions, not just listen to people talking.

Meeting Rooms:
July 30, 2007: One West, located at ground floor of Wilson Hall (High Rise)
July 31, 2007: Curia II, located above the Wilson Hall cafeteria.

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  • Shreyas Cholia
    • Session: Introduction One West, Wilson Hall

      One West, Wilson Hall

      Fermilab, Batavia, IL 60510

      • 1
        Welcome and Logistics
        Speaker: Ruth Pordes (Fermilab)
      • 2
        A Chat with the Boss: The OSG Facility's Role (Miron Livny)
        High-level vision from Miron + Discussion time
      • 3
        What is an OSG Site? (Rob Quick)
        A description of what it means to be an OSG site, in all that means.
      • 4
        The OSG Site Coordination Program (Rob Gardner)
    • 10:20 AM
    • Session: How do we attract users to OSG sites? One West, Wilson Hall

      One West, Wilson Hall

      Fermilab, Batavia, IL 60510

      • 5
        OSG Information Services: systems and reporting requirements (Gabriele G)
        Rob Quick Discussion of monitoring, information services. Need for accurate and useful information. GOC Suggestion Form
      • 6
        Progress on Site Functional Monitoring (Arvind Gopu)
      • 7
        Users and you
        Letters from User Land
    • 12:00 PM
    • Session: How do we control access to OSG sites? One West, Wilson Hall

      One West, Wilson Hall

      Fermilab, Batavia, IL 60510

      • 8
        What's wrong with grid-mapfiles? (Gabriele G)
        What's wrong with grid-mapfiles?
      • 9
        GUMS (Jay Packard)
        How does GUMS help? How does SAZ help? How to manage GUMS. How to deal with fact that GUMS is a single-point of failure. Common techniques for dealing with different configurations (How to support a VO with VOMS, how to add local users, etc.) Must leave at least 20 minutes for discussion
      • 10
        SAZ (Keith Chadwick)
      • 11
        Security and Privacy in OSG (Mine Altunay)
    • 2:30 PM
    • Session: How do users get data to your site? One West, Wilson Hall

      One West, Wilson Hall

      Fermilab, Batavia, IL 60510

      • 12
        What is SRM? (Timur Perelmutov)
        What is SRM? Why should we care?
      • 13
        Understanding dCache (Ted Hesselroth)
      • 14
        Understanding Bestman (Alex Sim)
      • 15
        Filesystem Pitfalls, Lessons and Options for OSG Services (Terrence Martin)
      • 16
        Open Discussion: Storage in OSG
    • Lightning Talks One West, Wilson Hall

      One West, Wilson Hall

      Fermilab, Batavia, IL 60510

      We would like to have a forum for sites to share cool tips on how
      they built their site. How did you get NFS to scale across your
      1000 node cluster? How did you use splunk to find why your CE
      crashed at 11:53 every morning? Should everyone drop their batch
      system in preference for GNU queue? These topics may or may not
      be specific to OSG and grid computing, but do apply to common
      problems that sites might have.

      There just isn't time for all of these wonderful talks. If we
      have at least 4 people interested, we'll have a session on Monday
      for lightning talks.

      Lighting talks will be limited to five minutes, including Q&A. NO
      LONGER. If you have PowerPoint slides, they must be preloaded
      onto a computer we will provide.

      The goal of a lightning talk is two-fold:
      - Make a point that can stick in someone's head
      - Generate discussions that can be held later (dinner, breaks,
      sessions, etc.)

      If we have sufficient interest from people wanting to give a
      lightning talk, we'll re-arrange the schedule to do them. Let us
      know if you're interested.

      Background on lightning talks:

      • 17
        Two gatekeepers with the same CE/SE backend (Xin Zhao)
      • 18
        Tracking Down Data Transfer Failures at BNL (Wayne Betts)
      • 19
        Using DNS Aliasing with OSG Compute Elements for Transparent Failover (Shreyas Cholia)
      • 20
        OSG Gatekeeper in Rocks (Michael Thomas)
    • 5:30 PM
    • 6:00 PM
      Dinner for anyone interested. Informally organized at local restaurant capable of handling 20-40 people.
    • Open Session: Follow up discussions Curia II, Wilson Hall

      Curia II, Wilson Hall

      Fermilab, Batavia, IL 60510

      Follow up discussion from previous day, once people have had time to reflect

    • Session: How do jobs run at a site? Curia II, Wilson Hall

      Curia II, Wilson Hall

      Fermilab, Batavia, IL 60510

      • 21
        Using Condor (Dan Bradley)
        Emphasis on group quotas or other tricks
      • 22
        Using PBS/Torque (Murali Ramsunder)
      • 23
        Using LSF (Alan Sill?)
      • 10:20 AM
      • 24
        Using SGE (Iwona?)
      • 25
        Best Practices in OSG Site Management (Steve Timm)
      • 26
        Open Discussion
    • 12:00 PM
    • Session: Building the OSG Site community Curia II, Wilson Hall

      Curia II, Wilson Hall

      Fermilab, Batavia, IL 60510

      • 27
        What is available to you?
        Speaker? Where can you turn for support and discussion? What community exists?
      • 28
        Open Forum: How do we build a stronger community within the OSG family of sites?
      • 29
        Open Discussion: Any and all issues that people would like to discuss
        Open Discussion: Any and all issues that people would like to discuss Moderated by Rob Quick