Parallel Session 2
- Klaus Peters (GSI Darmstadt)
Rong-Gang Ping
(Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)
5/19/15, 2:00 PM
The BESIII Experiment at the Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPC2) has accumulated the world's largest samples of e+e- collisions in the tau-charm region. From these samples -- which include J/psi, psi(2S), and psi(3770) decays, among others -- BESIII has produced many new results in the spectroscopy, transitions, and decays of charmonium. This talk will review the current status of...
fabio anulli
(INFN Sezione di Roma)
5/19/15, 2:40 PM
One of the most intriguing puzzles in hadron spectroscopy are the numerous charmonium-like states observed in the last decade, including charged states that are manifestly exotic.
Over the years BaBar has extensively studied these states in B meson decays, initial state radiation processes and two photon reactions. We report on recent studies on some of these states performed using the...
Alexey Luchinsky
(IHEP, Protvino)
5/19/15, 3:00 PM
The talk is devoted to theoretical description of J/psi Upsilon production at LHC. This process is interesting since at LO color-singlet approximation it is forbidden, so investigation of this reaction allows one to probe alternative mechanisms, such as color-octet production, double parton scattering, etc.
Hong Zhang
(The Ohio State University)
5/19/15, 3:20 PM
From the Tevatron and the LHC data, it is clear that current models for the heavy quarkonium production are not able to explain the polarization of heavy quarkonia produced at large transverse momentum pT in p-p collision. A new approach to evaluate the heavy quarkonium production, by expanding the cross section in powers of 1/pT before the expansion in powers of alpha_s, was proposed...
Raquel Molina
(The George Washington University)
5/19/15, 4:00 PM
We develop a method to determine accurately the binding energy of the X(3872) from lattice data for the $D\bar{D}^*$ interaction. We show that, because of the small difference between the neutral and charged components of the X(3872), it is necessary to differentiate them in the energy levels of the lattice spectrum if one wishes to have a precise determination of the the binding energy of the...
Vindhyawasini Prasad
(Post-doctoral Fellow)
5/19/15, 4:20 PM
The BESIII Experiment at the Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPC2) collected large data samples for electron-positron collisions with center-of-mass above 4 GeV during 2013 and 2014. In this mass region, there are several states that are yet to be understood. In this talk we will discuss BESIII analyses of radiative transitions among these states, which may improve our understanding of...
Angelo Esposito
(Columbia University)
5/19/15, 4:40 PM
The nature of the so-called XYZ states is a long-standing problem. It has been suggested that such particles may be described as compact four-quark states or loosely bound meson molecules. In the present work we analyze the Z_c^(') -> eta_c rho decay using both approaches. Such channel might provide useful insights on the nature of the Z_c^('), helping discriminating between the two different models.
Ayan Paul
(INFN, Sezione di Roma)
5/19/15, 5:00 PM
The question of the validity of analyzing charmed meson decays to pairs of hadrons within the SU(3) framework has been long and often debated. While there are convincing arguments that small breaking of this symmetry can accommodate for the current experimental results, the inability to compute QCD effects in these modes render it quite impossible to justify with complete authority the...
Marco Gersabeck
(The University of Manchester)
5/19/15, 5:20 PM
LHCb has collected the world's largest sample of charmed hadrons. This sample is used to search for direct CP violation in charm. New updated measurements from several decay modes, including DeltaACP from D0->hh decays, are presented. The talk also focuses on measurements of production and detection asymmetries.
Jim Libby
(Indian Institute of Technology Madras)
5/19/15, 5:40 PM
Quantum-correlated psi(3770) to DDbar decays collected by the CLEO-c experiment are used to perform first measurements of F+, the fractional CP-even content of the self-conjugate decays D->pi+pi−pi0 and D->K+K−pi0. Values of 0.968±0.017±0.006 and 0.731±0.058±0.021 are obtained for pi+pi−pi0 and K+K−pi0, respectively. It is demonstrated how modes of this sort can be cleanly included in...
Sneha Malde
(University of Oxford)
5/19/15, 6:00 PM
A first measurement of F+, the CP-even content of the decay D--> 4pi using quantum correlated psi(3770) to DDbar decays collected by the CLEO-c experiment is presented. A high value is obtained, which makes the decay mode particularly suitable for both measurements of the CKM angle \gamma and charm CP violation in a model independent way.
This novel approach to studying indirect CP violation...