Contributed Talks
Nasser Kalantar
(KVI-CART/Univ. of Groningen)
19/05/2015, 16:25
Physics and Experiments
Oral Presentation
Several nuclear reactions are best investigated when the momentum transfer to the nucleus is small. Among these are the IsoScalar Giant Monopole Resonance (ISGMR) which helps determine one of the parameters of the equation of state, namely the incompressibility of nuclear matter, and proton elastic scattering from nuclei which is sensitive to parameters of nuclear density such as the matter...
Clementine Santamaria
(CEA Saclay)
19/05/2015, 16:50
Physics and Experiments
Oral Presentation
MINOS is a new device composed of a thick liquid hydrogen target and a Time Projection Chamber (TPC), dedicated to the in-beam spectroscopy of very exotic nuclei in inverse kinematics by proton-induced knockout reactions at the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory (RIBF) in Japan. This TPC enables the detection of the charged particles produced by knockout reactions and the reconstruction of the...
Jacobus Swartz
(KU Leuven)
19/05/2015, 17:15
Active target detectors and associated electronics
Oral Presentation
The ACTAR TPC active target project, which is based at GANIL and supported by an ERC grant, is being developed to investigate exotic nuclei at various laboratories in Europe. A rich research program including direct and resonant reactions, as well as decays, will be addressed with this new instrument.
In many cases, it is highly desirable to collect gamma-ray information concurrently to the...
suwat tangwancharoen
(National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory)
19/05/2015, 17:40
Techinical issues
Oral Presentation
The SAMURAI Pion-Reconstruction and Ion-Tracker (SπRIT), a Time Projection Chamber (TPC) is part of an international effort to constrain the nuclear symmetry energy around twice the saturation density [1]. The field cage of the SπRIT TPC is designed to measure the momentum distribution of pions and isotopically resolved light particles emitted in heavy ion collisions. The field cage consists...
Ethan Uberseder
(Texas A&M University)
19/05/2015, 18:05
Active target detectors and associated electronics
Oral Presentation
With the upgrade to the facilities nearing completion, the Cyclotron Institute at Texas A&M University is poised to provide a range of new high quality re-accelerated radioactive ion beams to compliment the existing rare isotope beam capabilities based on the in-flight separator MARS. To take full advantage of the opportunities available for low-energy nuclear structure and astrophysics, a...