First Measurement of the Permanent Electric Dipole Moment of Radium-225

14 May 2015, 16:10
Pentlind Ballroom

Pentlind Ballroom

Oral Presentation Session 15


Prof. Jaideep Singh (NSCL/MSU)


Electric dipole moments (EDMs) are signatures of time-reversal (T), parity (P) & charge-parity (CP) violation. CP-violation beyond the Standard Model is generally believed to be required to explain the observed prevalence of matter over antimatter in the universe. Radium-225 (T_1/2 = 14.7 d, I = 1/2) is mostly sensitive to T- & P-violating interactions originating within the nucleus. The best limits on these types of exotic interactions are derived from the atomic EDM limit for Mercury-199. Because of its unusual nuclear structure (octupole deformation), Ra-225 is expected to have a physics sensitivity that is a few hundred to a few thousand times higher than Hg-199. Laser cooling & trapping techniques are performed to collect & transport the cold Ra atoms into the measurement region. An EDM measurement is then performed by searching for a linear electric field dependent shift in the nuclear spin precession frequency of Ra-225. We will report on the first measurement of the atomic EDM of Ra-225 as well as plans for future improvements. This work is supported by U.S. DOE, Office of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics, under contract DE-AC02-06CH11357.

Primary author

Prof. Jaideep Singh (NSCL/MSU)


Mr John Greene (Argonne National Lab) Mr Kevin Bailey (Argonne National Lab) Dr Matthew Dietrich (Northwestern) Dr Michael Bishof (Argonne National Lab) Mr Mukut Kallita (University of Kentucky) Dr Nathan Lemke (Argonne National Lab) Dr Peter Mueller (Argonne National Lab) Mr Richard Parker (University of Chicago) Dr Roy Holt (Argonne National Lab) Mr Tom O'Connor (Argonne National Lab) Prof. Wolfgang Korsch (University of Kentucky) Dr Zheng-Tian Lu (Argonne National Lab)

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