A Multi-Reflection Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer for Isobaric Purification at the University of Notre Dame

12 May 2015, 17:01
Center Concourse

Center Concourse

Poster Presentation Poster Session B


Dr Brad Schultz (University of Notre Dame)


One of the most significant problems in the production of rare isotopes is the simultaneous production of contaminants, often times isobaric. Thus, a high-resolution beam purification method is required which is compatible with both the low yield and short half-life of the desired radionuclide. A multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer (MR-TOF-MS) meets all these criteria, in addition to boasting a smaller footprint relative to traditional separator dipole magnets. Such a device is currently under construction at the University of Notre Dame and will be coupled to the IG-ISOL source in the upcoming cyclotron facility. The motivation, conceptual design and a status report will be presented.

Primary author

Dr Brad Schultz (University of Notre Dame)


Ms Catherine Nicoloff (University of Notre Dame) Mr James Kelly (University of Notre Dame) Dr Maxime Brodeur (University of Notre Dame)

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