Face to face US ASCR/HEP Meeting
Friday, January 30, 2015 -
9:00 AM
Monday, January 26, 2015
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Friday, January 30, 2015
9:00 AM
Two years into Transforming G4 for the Future
Robert Lucas
(University of Southern California)
V. Daniel Elvira
Two years into Transforming G4 for the Future
Robert Lucas
(University of Southern California)
V. Daniel Elvira
9:00 AM - 9:20 AM
Room: Black Hole - Wilson Hall 2nd floor (NW corner)
9:20 AM
Memoization of Geant4 hadronic cross sections
Paul Ruth
Memoization of Geant4 hadronic cross sections
Paul Ruth
9:20 AM - 9:50 AM
Room: Black Hole - Wilson Hall 2nd floor (NW corner)
9:50 AM
Integration of memoization of hadronic cross sections into Geant4
Andrea Dotti
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Integration of memoization of hadronic cross sections into Geant4
Andrea Dotti
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
9:50 AM - 10:10 AM
Room: Black Hole - Wilson Hall 2nd floor (NW corner)
10:10 AM
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
10:10 AM - 10:30 AM
Room: Black Hole - Wilson Hall 2nd floor (NW corner)
10:30 AM
Summary of EM code review
Krzysztof Genser
Summary of EM code review
Krzysztof Genser
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Room: Black Hole - Wilson Hall 2nd floor (NW corner)
11:00 AM
Performance evaluation and optimization using TAU
Boyana Norris
(University of Oregon)
Performance evaluation and optimization using TAU
Boyana Norris
(University of Oregon)
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Room: Black Hole - Wilson Hall 2nd floor (NW corner)
11:30 AM
Performance evaluation and optimization of the GPU prototype
Azamat Mametjanov
Performance evaluation and optimization of the GPU prototype
Azamat Mametjanov
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Room: Black Hole - Wilson Hall 2nd floor (NW corner)
12:00 PM
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Room: Black Hole - Wilson Hall 2nd floor (NW corner)
1:00 PM
Status of GeantV
Philippe Canal
Status of GeantV
Philippe Canal
1:00 PM - 1:20 PM
Room: Black Hole - Wilson Hall 2nd floor (NW corner)
1:20 PM
Vectorized Geometry
Guilherme Lima
Vectorized Geometry
Guilherme Lima
1:20 PM - 1:50 PM
Room: Black Hole - Wilson Hall 2nd floor (NW corner)
1:50 PM
Vectorized Physics
Soon Yung Jun
Vectorized Physics
Soon Yung Jun
1:50 PM - 2:10 PM
Room: Black Hole - Wilson Hall 2nd floor (NW corner)
2:10 PM
Coffe Break
Coffe Break
2:10 PM - 2:30 PM
Room: Black Hole - Wilson Hall 2nd floor (NW corner)
2:30 PM
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Room: Black Hole - Wilson Hall 2nd floor (NW corner)