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Mar 9 – 11, 2015
NH Laguna Palace Hotel
Europe/Rome timezone

Waste management of ENM-containing solid waste in Europe

Mar 10, 2015, 2:40 PM
Breakout 1 (NH Laguna Palace Hotel)

Breakout 1

NH Laguna Palace Hotel

Viale Ancona, n° 2 30172 Venice-Mestre, Italy Tel: +39 041 829 6111 Fax: +39 848 390 230
Parallel session 4A: Recycling & Waste Management 4A Recycling & Waste Management


Laura Heggelund (Technical University of Denmark)


Little research has been done to determine emissions of engineered nanomaterials (ENM) from currently available nano-enabled consumer products. While ENM release is expected to occur throughout the life cycle of the products, this study focuses on the product end-of-life (EOL) phase. We used the Danish nanoproduct inventory ( to get a general understanding of the fate of ENM during waste management in the European context. This was done by: 1. assigning individual products to an appropriate waste material fraction, 2. identifying the ENM in each fraction, 3. comparing identified waste fractions with waste treatment statistics for Europe, and 4. illustrating the general distribution of ENM into incineration, recycling and landfilling. Our results indicate that ╲plastic from used product containers╡ is the most abundant and diverse waste fraction, comprising a variety of both nanoproducts and materials. While differences are seen between individual EU countries/regions according to the local waste management system, results show that all waste treatment options are significantly involved in nanowaste handling, suggesting that research activities should cover different areas. The results of this study may be used for the environmental and human health risk assessment of nanowaste, and to assist future regulatory and management decisions.

Primary author

Laura Heggelund (Technical University of Denmark)


Alessio Boldrin (Technical University of Denmark) Steffen Foss Hansen (Technical University of Denmark)

Presentation materials