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University of D0

Rick Van Kooten (Indiana University) "P5 for Students & Postdocs"

Hurricane Deck (FNAL)

Hurricane Deck


The report "Building for Discovery: Strategic Plan for U.S. Particle Physics in the Global Context" of the Particle Physics Project Particle Prioritization Panel (P5) went "live" on May 22. The charge to the panel from HEPAP was "to develop an updated strategic plan for U.S. high energy physics that can be executed over a 10 year timescale, in the context of a 20-year global vision for the field." As a member of P5, I will summarize, at a level suitable for students, postdocs, and anyone else attending, the main recommendations of the report, the process used to fit a mix of budgeted small to huge projects within limited funding scenarios set out by the Department of Energy, an overview of the vision developed by the panel, as well as field any questions about its conclusions and recommendations.