Mi Jeong Park
(Institute for Basic Science)
5/20/15, 8:30 AM
15 minute contribution
The Rare Isotope Science Project (RISP) at the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) constructs the rare isotope accelerator facility in South Korea. The accelerator control system uses various Ethernet-based devices and equipment, and most Ethernet-based devices support Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). Therefore, SNMP is useful to build a unified Network-based control system. In this...
Will Rogers
(Diamond Light Source)
5/20/15, 8:45 AM
15 minute contribution
About one year ago, it was decided to evaluate CS-Studio as a replacement for EDM at Diamond. Since then, much work has gone into making CS-Studio and BOY a viable replacement for the many existing deployed EDM screens without disrupting existing ways of working.
This talk describes the problems and solutions found, including the new work on OPI Shells, and shows how CS-Studio may finally...
Jeff Hill
5/20/15, 9:00 AM
15 minute contribution
Enhancements to EPICS Base integrating Lua Embedded Scripting Language.
Murali Shankar
5/20/15, 9:15 AM
15 minute contribution
We have improved our process for deploying IOC/high level applications/scripts to multiple facilities. We've migrated to using static builds for IOC's and making the software packages self-contained. This presentation describes cram - the tool/scripts we have collectively developed for managing software deployment to multiple facilities.
Dohn Arms
(Argonne National Laboratory)
5/20/15, 9:30 AM
15 minute contribution
The alive record is part of a system used at the Advanced Photon Source for monitoring the IOCs on the experimental floor. These IOCs are spread across many subnets, are maintained by multiple people, run different versions of software, and some travel between sectors. For the beamline support groups, monitoring and maintaining these IOCs can be time-consuming as one is not sure of the...
Glen Wright
(Canadian Light Source)
5/20/15, 9:45 AM
15 minute contribution
The CLS uses the EPICS Distributed Control System (DCS) for control and feedback of a linear accelerator, booster ring, electron storage ring, and numerous x-ray beamlines. The number of host computers running EPICS IOC applications has grown to 200, and the number of IOC applications exceeds 700. The first part of this paper will present the challenges and current efforts to monitor and...