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18–22 May 2015
US/Central timezone


High Brightness Muon Beams

20 May 2015, 09:00
Curia II-WH2SW - Wilson Hall 2nd fl South West (Fermilab)

Curia II-WH2SW - Wilson Hall 2nd fl South West


Batavia, Illinois 60510-5011


High Brightness Muon Beams

  • Pavel Snopok (IIT/Fermilab)

High Brightness Muon Beams

  • Pavel Snopok (IIT/Fermilab)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Yuri Alexahin (Fermilab)
20/05/2015, 09:00
Katsuya Yonehara (Fermilab)
20/05/2015, 09:25
Dr Diktys Stratakis (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
20/05/2015, 09:50
James Ellison (Illinois Institute of Technology)
20/05/2015, 11:00
Dr Vasiliy Morozov
20/05/2015, 11:20
Dr Hisham Sayed (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
20/05/2015, 11:50
Building timetable...