Anatael Cabrera
(CNRS/IN2P3 - APC & LNCA Laboratories (France))
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a 20 kton liquid scintillator detector that will study reactor antineutrinos emitted from two nuclear power plants in the south of China at a baseline of about 53km. With an unprecedented energy resolution, JUNO will be able to determine the neutrino mass ordering at 3-4 sigma significance within six years of running. JUNO will also be able to measure three out of the six oscillation parameters to an accuracy better than 1%, and to study neutrinos from various terrestrial and extra-terrestrial sources. The experiment is currently under construction, and data-taking is expected to begin by 2020. JUNO’s physics program and status will be reviewed in this talk.
Primary author
J. Pedro Ochoa
(Pontifical Catholic University of Chile)