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18–24 Jun 2017
UC Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA
US/Pacific timezone

Nonstandard interactions at long-baseline neutrino experiments

21 Jun 2017, 16:30
Pacific Ballroom C (UC Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA)

Pacific Ballroom C

UC Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA

Working Group Sessions Neutrino Physics Working Group Working Group: Neutrino Physics


Danny Marfatia (University of Hawaii)


Muon neutrino disappearance measurements at NO$\nu$A suggest that maximal $\theta_{23}$ is excluded at the 2.6$\sigma$ CL. This is in mild tension with T2K data which prefer maximal mixing. We point out that the apparent departure from maximal mixing in NO$\nu$A may be a consequence of nonstandard neutrino propagation in matter. We then study such nonstandard matter effects in the next generation long-baseline experiments, DUNE, T2HK and T2HKK.

Primary author

Danny Marfatia (University of Hawaii)

Presentation materials