Daniele Gaggero
(University of Amsterdam)
I discuss several aspects and challenges of indirect dark matter (DM) detection in a wide energy range, with particular focus on gamma-ray and antiproton channels.
I first present future prospects for detecting dark matter annihilation in the poorly constrained MeV range, discussing challenges on both the theoretical modeling and observational side. I focus on the possibility of detecting sharp spectral features with future experiments such as e-ASTROGAM, either directly originating from DM annihilation, or — in the case of leptonic channels — of secondary origin (in-flight annihilation of positrons, bremsstrahlung).
I also discuss several issues connected to the DM indirect search in the GeV domain, with focus on the inner Galaxy: The role of the secondary (Inverse Compton and Bremsstrahlung) emission from DM, the interplay with constraints from other channels, most importantly antiprotons, and the importance of the astrophysical background.
I conclude mentioning future prospects in the TeV domain and the role of future experiments such as CTA.
Primary author
Daniele Gaggero
(University of Amsterdam)