
CERN Neutrino Cluster

DAQ to Cold Electronics interface
DocDB: 1394-v2

Meeting -

    10:00 - 10:45 ProtoDUNE-SP status
        10:00 RCE 5'
                progressing - orders are in, may take some processing time
        10:05 FELIX 5'
        10:10 artDAQ 5'
                need to set up a meeting between us and Kurt/artdaq team
                need to discuss test centres, networking, and run control
        10:15 Timing 5'
                progress/discussions between RCE, SSP, FELIX
        10:20 Trigger & Backpressure 5'
                meetings between beam instrumentation and timing
                need to define trigger
                        candidates UPenn (penn trig board) and Lariat (Mike Kodorsky) Lariat
        10:25 Run Control 5'
        10:30 Online Monitoring 5'
                contacted sussex/sheffield
                        - want to remain involved but don't have much manpower
                        - need new people in general

        10:35 Integration/Installation 5'
        10:40 Interfaces 5'

        - Front-End + WIB
        - Slow Control
                CERN will do this - not part of DAQ
        - Configuration Management + Databases
                - Jon Paley will head up this
                - Will work with Nektarios and co.
        - Online Computing
                - Need to write a document for Marzio to specify need for
                  Nektarios as system manager
                - Maxim, Amir, Brett also in contact
                - Nektarios will buy/has bought some disks and network cards
        - Beam Instrumentation
                - see above
                - meeting 26th 4pm CET

    10:45 - 11:00 Testing Centres
        - see minutes from previous meeting
        - management considering reducing testing centres from 3 to 2 (i.e. no
        - General outcome is that the DAQ group overall favours keeping the
          FNAL testing centre.  It'll be the only full slice in 2016 and can
          test the WIB at full data rate.  Plan to re-use (but not upgrade)
          35t setup and send some PCs to UK.  UK will test new developments.
        10:45 UK 5'
        10:50 FNAL 5'
        10:55 CERN 5'

General Comments/Action Items
- Karol to find out where dedicated testing areas at CERN will be
        and when we can move into them and requirements in terms
        of power, safety, radiation zone etc.
- Doodle poll for ProtoDUNE commissioning meeting -
- Check cable requirements at CERN (some materials are banned).
- Geoff and Linda to investigate setup requirements at F0.
- Contact Physics groups for Monitoring effort