25–27 Aug 2015
Livermore Valley Open Campus
US/Pacific timezone

Superconducting Microresonators

25 Aug 2015, 13:00
Yosemite Room (Livermore Valley Open Campus)

Yosemite Room

Livermore Valley Open Campus


Prof. Jonas Zmuidzinas (California Institute of Technology)


Superconducting microresonators have attracted substantial attention over the past fifteen years due to a number of applications including photon detection, particle detection, and quantum devices. Our understanding of the behavior of these devices has advanced substantially during this period, particularly with regard to the influence of two-level systems on the dissipation and noise observed in these resonators, as well as nonequilibrium and nonlinear effects observed in the superconducting materials. Nonetheless, there are still significant gaps in our understanding in several areas, and there remains substantial opportunity for improvement and innovation as well as application to new problems. This presentation will outline both the recent developments and the remaining challenges in this field.

Primary author

Prof. Jonas Zmuidzinas (California Institute of Technology)

Presentation materials