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11–13 Jan 2016
US/Mountain timezone

Jet substructures and cross sections in proton and heavy ion collisions

12 Jan 2016, 11:00
Zuni Ballroom

Zuni Ballroom


Dr Yang-Ting Chien (Los Alamos National Laboratory)


Jet substructures and cross sections provide crucial information about the jet formation mechanism. Their precise calculations are necessary for the understanding of the properties of the medium jets pass through. The calculations involve the resummation of large logarithms which can be performed using renormalization group techniques in soft-collinear effective theory. In heavy ion collisions, the jet-medium interactions are mediated by Glauber gluon exchanges which induce extra radiation. This causes the jet cross section suppression and jet broadening. I will discuss the framework and compare the calculations with the jet modification measurements in lead-lead collisions at the LHC with very good agreement.

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