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11–13 Jan 2016
US/Mountain timezone

(Semi)automated Resummation for multijet processes with MadGraph

13 Jan 2016, 14:00
Zuni Ballroom

Zuni Ballroom


Dr Marat Freytsis (Harvard University)


Some of the most arduous and error-prone aspects of precision resummed calculations are related to the partonic hard process, having nothing to do with the resummation. In particular, interfacing to parton-distribution functions, combining various channels, and performing the phase space integration can be limiting factors in completing calculations. Conveniently, however, most of these tasks are already automated in many Monte Carlo programs. In this talk, I will show how such programs can be used to produce all necessary process dependent information for resummed calculations, needing only universal factors as input. Examples of a particular implementation using MadGraph for multi-jet e+e- and pp collisions are presented.

Presentation materials