Neutrino Detector R&D Facilities Workshop

The Big Room (Building 327)

The Big Room

Building 327

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, Illinois
Brian Rebel (Fermilab)

This workshop will introduce the neutrino user community to the detector research and development facilities at Fermilab. These facilities are available for use by researchers from the global particle physics community. Fermilab is very interested in feedback on ways to evolve the facilities to maximize their benefit to neutino physics, especially to the DUNE program.

There will be tours of the facilities the morning of the first day to introduce the workshop attendees to the many options for doing detector R&D at Fermilab.  Past and potential future uses of these facilities will be described and discussed during subsequent presentations.  Fermilab will provide a working lunch on the second day of the workshop devoted to gaining user input on how to evolve the facilities.   


Participant List
Contact:<BR>Suzanne M. Weber