LArSoft Steering Group

Readytalk phone coordinates 8667401260 access code 8403921# Room at Fermilab DIR/ Snake Pit-WH2NE - Wilson Hall 2nd fl North East
    • 11:00 11:10
      Feedback from LBNC meeting
    • 11:10 11:30
      Items of work for LArTPC Organizing Committee for next few months

      Oct 22nd: Freeze Requirements Document output from the workshop

      Oct 23rd: Jim, Ruth, Erica take first pass to clean up input from the workshop and notes. (only use recordings if there are questions)

      Oct 27th: Experiment Editors start editing pass: DUNE - Amir/Tom, MicroBooNE- Tracy/Herb, LArIAT - ?, ICARUS - Christian, SBN - Ornella , SBND - David

      Nov 14th: Rationalize all input; Consensus in Organizing Group. Distribute to Steering Group requesting input within 10 days and follow up during this time.

      Nov 24th: Presentation to Steering group of final Requirements document and sign off.

      Starting Nov 6th the Organizing Group will start work on the Plan.

    • 11:30 11:50
      Decisions requested from the Steering Group

      Given the status of the LArSoft Event Display the core project is evaluating the best path forward to supporting the event display functionality needed by experiments (Current librarian listed: Brian Rebel)

      How to handle orphaned modules. Current issue on the table is HitFinder (Current Librarians listed: Jonathan Asaadi, Wes Ketchum)

    • 11:50 12:10
      AOB, plans for Steering Group for next few months 20m