Present: Tyler Alion, Laura Fields, Lynn Garren, Herbert Greenlee, Jonathan Paley, Gianluca Petrillo, Erica Snider, Brian Rebel, Tingjun Yang
Remote: Vito Di Benedetto, Viacheslav Galymov, Gleb Sinev
Dual phase TPC [Viacheslav Galymov]
geometry implemented in GDML, rotated
"wires" are actually traces on a silicon board
[Brian Rebel] some algorithms will ask for "the" single collection plane, of which we have two
what is the treatment for the inter-plane electric field? apparently not
[Erica Snider] optical simulation will be special in the gas
long term actions:
review the code distinguishing or making requirements on "the" collection plane
support a zero inter-plane field in
Update on CI test suite deployment [Vito Di Benedetto]
testing MicroBooNE with Jenkins
replacing GENIE flux files with histograms
tests are running about three times slower in Jenkins than they do in uboonegpvm0x
issues with non-reproducibility of reconstruction need to be investigated and solved
LArSoft project status report [Erica Snider]
releasing v04_30_00
new ifdhc should be supported by OSX as well
new IFDH requires a new dependency
[Herbert Greenlee] what OSX users should do? (CVMFS is problematic) A: use UPD
[Herbert Greenlee] can it be distributed in scisoft? A: it does not abide to requirements (it's basically a system package)
[Herbert Greenlee] is there a way to convince Redmine to ignore blank differences? A: not sure
[Jonathan Paley] it would be profitable to have a consistent indentation
moving meeting time
proposing to move the Coordination Meeting on Tuesday 9 am "off week" (example: on November 23rd, 2015)
Architecture review status report [Gianluca Petrillo]
temperature should be moved now
[Erica Snider] see if
is still worth a service
[Brian Rebel] temperature in
is entangling dependencies
[Herbert Greenlee] people need ample warning; are there ways to mitigate the blow? A: basically, no
[Erica Snider] are changes scriptable? A: [Jonathan] partially
[Jonathan Paley] urges to merge as soon as possible, as the branches go stale quickly
start advertising the changes in LArSoft mailing list
plan to merge in 2-3 weeks
DUNE MCC 5.0 preparations
Note: Dorota Stefan and Robert Sulej could not make it. Tingjun Yang showed a bit of their work.
[Tingjun Yang]
request to hold the release while Robert Sulej finishes his work
[Gleb Sinev]
importing supernova neutrino generator into LArSoft
[Tingjun Yang] ROOT file will need to be in larsoft_data, LArSoft wiki explains how
[Mike Wallbank]
[Gianluca Petrillo] documentation? A: will do
LArSoft release will be delayed until Wednesday 5 pm; Tingjun Yang will communicate the feature branches when ready
Lynn Garren and Gleb Sinev will interact to set the location of the ROOT file required by the new generator
Other business
Request to integrate part of the core service immediately [Jonathan Paley]
Jonathan Paley requests the part of the core service review in branch
feature/jpaley_dunePedDev_2015_11_16 of
to be merged in this release
Reorganization of the directory structure is ongoing.
Jonathan accepts to comply to whatever organization is imposed, as long as it goes in this week release.
Mainteinance work on two issues [Brian Rebel]
issue #10937: DUNE TPC might need to write their own auxiliary detector sorter
issue #10936: [missed discussion?]
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