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20–22 Sep 2016
Fermilab - Wilson Hall
US/Central timezone

Participant List

95 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
A. Egon Cholakian Harvard University / NIH
Alfred vonHalle Princeton Plasma Physics Lab
Amber Kenney Fermilab
Amy Ecclesine LBL
Andrew Ackerman BNL
Antonio Vergara ESS
Arnie Kellman General Atomics
Asher Ethkin BNL
Bill Stone ORNL-Spallation Neutron Source
Bob Zwaska Fermilab
Charles Schaefer Brookhaven National Laboratory
Chrysostomos "Tommy" Michaelides JLAB
Ciprian Plostinar STFC
Cons Gattuso Fermi Lab
Craig Fish LLNL
David Freeman Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Donald Brady USDOE/NNSA
Edward Jacquez Los Alamos National Laboratory
Edward Lessard Brookhaven National Laboratory
Elaine Marshall Sandia National Laboratory
ENE Daniela European Spallation Source, ESS-ERIC, Sweden
Eric Boyd European XFEL
Eric Fike Argonne National Laboratory
Fernando Pedrosa CERN
Frank Kornegay Fat Boy Consulting, Inc
Gail Mattson Brookhaven National Laboratory
Gary Lauten Fermilab
Gene Ealy LANL
Harry Fanning Jefferson Lab Safety Officer
HC Chamberlin Sandia National Labs
HC Chamberlin SNL
Henry Robertson Jefferson Lab
Ian Evans SLAC
J. Donald Cossairt Fermilab
Jacob Platfoot Oak Ridge National Laboratory
James Murphy SLAC
Jamie Santucci Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Joel Lash Sandia National Laboratories
Johan Waldeck European Spallation Source ERIC
John Anderson Jr. AD ESH
John Connolly Argonne National Laboratory
John Galayda SLAC
John Houck DOE Argonne Site Office
John Quintana Argonne National Laboratory
John Schmerge SLAC
John Seabury SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Joseph Snyder LANL
Joshua King Department of Energy, Office of Science - Fusion Energy Sciences
Joy Pomillo Fermilab
Julie Cross Argonne National Laboratory Advanced Photon Source
Keith Heinzelman Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Keith Welch Jefferson Lab
Kelly Mahoney ORNL
Kenneth Belcher Argonne National Laboratory
Lali Tchelidze European Spallation Source
Lars Peter Frisk Swedish Radiation Safety Authority
Lee Hammons Brookhaven National Laboratory
Lena Johansson European Spallation Source
Les Hill PPPL
Linda Coney European Spallation Source (ESS)
Maddie Wolter Fermilab
Mark Gulley Los Aalamos National Laboratory
Mats Lindroos European Spallation Source ESS ERIC
Matthew Quinn Fermilab
Michael Andrews Fermilab
Michael Mocko Los Alamos National Laboratory
Michael Sandvig Idaho National Laboratory
Michael Vincent Fermilab
Mike Johnson Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Milkie Tega Department of Energy
Morteza Mansouri Sharifabad European Spallation Source ERIC
Patrick Bong LBNL
Patrick Bragg Idaho National Laboratory
Patrick Sullivan Brookhaven Site Office
Peter Cirnigliaro Brookhaven National Laboratory
Peter Jakobsson European Spallation Source ESS
Petr Prochazka Institute of Physics Academy of Science of the Czech Republic
Pia Eriksson Swedish Radiation Safety Authority
Robert May JLAB
Ron Ray Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Russ Kelly DOE Oak Ridge
Salma El-Safwany DOE Berkeley Site Office
Sayed Rokni SLAC
Scott Davis U.S. Dept. of Energy, Office of Science
Steve Singal DOE/HQ/AU-11
Stuart Birch European Spallation Source ERIC
Thomas Barkalow Argonne National Laboratory
timothy stirrup sandia national laboratories
Todd Culp Sandia Lab
Vaia Papadimitriou Fermilab
Wayne Schmitt FNAL
William Salsbury US Department of Energy
Zoe Van Hoover SLAC