May 31, 2016 to June 17, 2016
US/Eastern timezone


In the first week of the program we will define the open questions based on observations and model considerations. In the second week we will discuss the experimental possibilities at FRIB. In the third week, we will turn to astrophysical simulation, to discuss the importance of various measurements for each scenario.

The program will be organized in a way similar to the 2013 ICNT program on the symmetry energy. Weeks one and three will have perhaps 20 participants. Each day there will be two morning talks and plenty of time for collaboration and informal discussion. In addition there will be a structured afternoon discussion session of about an hour. A larger workshop will run during week two with perhaps 50 people. This workshop will have more talks including many discussing r-process experiments. A rough schedule is as follows:
  • Week one (May 31-June 3, 2016): r-process abundances, observations, abundance patterns, r-process sites, kinds and compositions of ejecta, multiple r-processes, chemical evolution constraints, kilonova, open questions.
  • Week two (June 6-10, 2016): Intensive Workshop on r-process experiments, experimental capabilities + related theory such as mass models, reaction rate calculations, impact of experiment.
  • Week three (June 13-17, 2016): astrophysical simulations of supernova winds and neutron star mergers, reaction networks, sensitivity studies. Discussion of impact of different experiments and writing the first draft of the white paper on r-process experiments.
In summary a three week ICNT program “The r-process nucleosynthesis: connecting FRIB with the cosmos” will take place at NSCL/FRIB from May 31 to June 17, 2016.   The outcome of the program will be a white paper discussing promising r-process experiments, their likely impact, and their astrophysical, astronomical, and nuclear theory context.

AGENDA                    REPORT

Week 1 Agenda          Week 1 Talks
Week 1 Participants    Pictures

Week 2 Agenda          Week 2 Talks
Week 2 Participants

Week 3 Agenda          Week 3 Talks
Week 3 Participants    Pictures

MSU Maps                FRIB Tour Dress Code