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14 June 2016
US/Central timezone

Participant List

86 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Afnan Al Marzouk
Aleksandr Romanov
Alex Halavanau
Alexander Mikhailichenko Cornell University
Alexander Valishev
Alexander Valishev Fermilab
Alexander Zholents ANL
Alexander A Mikhailichenko
Alexey Burov
Andrew Green
Andrew Green Northern Illinois University
Anthony Gee
Bela Erdelyi
Bela Erdelyi Northern Illinois University
Benjamin Cowan
Brian Beaudoin Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics
Bryce Jacobson
Chad Mitchell
Chad Mitchell Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Chong Shik Park
Chong Shik Park Fermilab
Christopher Prior
Christopher Prior STFC/ASTeC
Daniel Broemmelsiek
Daniel Mihalcea
Darren Crawford FNAL
David Bruhwiler
David Bruhwiler University of Colorado Boulder
David Neuffer
David Neuffer Fermilab
Dean (Chip) Edstrom
Deano Farinella
Deano Farinella UC Irvine
Eliana Gianfelice
Eric Prebys
Finn O'Shea
Giulio Stancari
Giulio Stancari Fermilab
Gregory Penn
Gregory Penn LBNL
James Amundson
James Amundson Fermilab
Jerry Leibfritz
Jibong Hyun
Jibong Hyun KEK, FNAL
John Cary University of Colorado
Kermit Carlson
Kiersten Ruisard
Kiersten Ruisard University of Maryland
Linda Spentzouris IIT
Lucy Nobrega
Matthew Andorf
Matthew Andorf Northern Illinois University
Michael Syphers Michigan State University
Mike Syphers
Nigel Lockyer
Osama Mohsen
Panagiotis Spentzouris Fermilab
Philippe Piot Northern Illinois University & Fermilab
Rami Kishek University of Maryland and Radiasoft, LLC
Roger Dixon
Roger Dixon Fermilab
Rosa Foote Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Sarah Cousineau SNS/ORNL
Scott Rexford
Sebastian Szustkowski
Sergey Belomestnykh
Stephen Webb
Stuart Henderson ANL
Sumana Abeyratne
Tanaji Sen
Tanaji Sen Fermilab
Timothy Koethe
Valeri Balbekov
Valeri Lebedev
Valeri Lebedev Fermilab
Vitaly Yakimenko
Vladimir Shiltsev
Vladimir Shiltsev FNAL
Webb Stephen RadiaSoft, LLC
William Pellico FNAL
Young Kee KIm University of Chicago
Young Min Shin
Young-Kee Kim
Young-Min Shin Northern Illinois University/Fermilab
Yuri Alexahin