Aug 17 – 19, 2016
EST5EDT timezone


Fourth Workshop on Isotope Harvesting at FRIB
17-19th August, 2016

Organizing Committee:
Graham Peaslee (Hope College), peaslee AT
David Morrissey (Michigan State University), morrissey AT
Suzanne Lapi, lapi AT
David Robertson, Robertsonjo AT

Preliminary Workshop Details:
Meals and local accommodation will be provided for pre-registered participants and the workshop will be held on the campus of Michigan State University at the James B. Henry Center. Lodging accomodations will be at Candlewood Suites and is attached to the Henry Center.

We aniticipate that Wednesday, August 17th will be a travel day and we will start the workshop with a reception Wednesday evening. The workshop sessions will take place all day Thursday with a series of short presentations and follow-up discussion blocks. The workshop will conclude Friday around mid-day, to allow return travel in the afternoon.

*This workshop is funded by the US DOE Office of Science and hosted by Michigan State University - East Lansing.