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13–14 Jul 2016
Physical Sciences Laboratory (UW)
US/Central timezone

Contribution List

22 / 22
David Nygren (University of Texas at Arlington)
13/07/2016, 08:30
Mr Bob Paulos (University of Wisconsin)
13/07/2016, 09:00
Mitch Soderberg (Syracuse University)
13/07/2016, 09:30
Mr Bob Paulos (University of Wisconsin)
13/07/2016, 10:15
Lee Greenler (University of Wisconsin)
13/07/2016, 11:00
13/07/2016, 11:45
Bo Yu (Brookhaven National Lab)
13/07/2016, 12:30
Andrew Laundrie (UW PSL)
13/07/2016, 13:15
13/07/2016, 13:55
Mr Dan Wenman (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
13/07/2016, 14:15
Mr Dan Wenman (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
13/07/2016, 14:45
Dr Jonathan Asaadi (University of Texas Arlington)
13/07/2016, 15:15
13/07/2016, 15:45
Mr Bob Paulos (University of Wisconsin), Mitch Soderberg (Syracuse University)
14/07/2016, 08:30
Dr Xin Qian (BNL)
14/07/2016, 09:00
14/07/2016, 09:30
14/07/2016, 10:00
14/07/2016, 11:00
14/07/2016, 15:00
14/07/2016, 15:30